
The Gouranger API is structured around REST principles, featuring predictable resource-oriented URLs. It accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and employs standard HTTP response codes, along with authentication and verbs.

Integrate your product seamlessly into the workflows of devoted users by utilizing the Gouranger Attorney API. This allows you to access Process Server Portals and place orders with corresponding document types.

Getting started

Begin by registering a new account on the Gouranger website. Next, familiarize yourself with the process of making requests for the resources you need through our HTTP APIs. Once your integration is finalized and ready for deployment, showcase it in our integrations directory to reach and engage with the community.

Authentication Introduction

Authentication is mandatory for all endpoints in the Gouranger API.

Prior to authentication, ensure you have logged in. Access to the sandbox API is available for all resources.

Make all API requests using HTTPS requests through plain HTTP will fail. Similarly, any API requests lacking authentication will result in failure.


API key authentication serves as a straightforward authentication mechanism, offering an easy alternative to OAuth for connecting to and authenticating Gouranger's API services. Ensure the API is generated from the attorney website.

The generated API keys can exist in either the Live or Sandbox environment. we can generate multiple keys, but the usage limit is one key per environment.

By default, all scopes are included when generating an API key, and as of now, customization of scopes is not available.

Generate API key

Gouranger’s Web API v1 provides support for API Keys, offering an alternative method of authentication distinct from your account username and password. API Keys enhance the security of your account, and you can assign specific permissions to control access to different areas of your account. Generate API Keys directly within your account.


POST {base_url} /authenticate

To make an HTTP request with the API Key, ensure the request parameter includes the API-KEY. Use the generated API key in the following format.


If the API key is valid and matches the exact API key, a success response is sent with a Bearer Token. Use the generated Bearer Token for further authentication.

If the API key is incorrect, an unauthorized response is provided.


Gouranger employs standard HTTP response codes to convey the success or failure of an API request.

Generally, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, while codes in the 4xx range signal errors, often due to missing or incorrect information (e.g., an omitted required parameter, a failed charge, etc.).

Codes in the 5xx range are rare and indicate an error with Gouranger's servers.

Some 4xx errors, which could be handled programmatically (e.g., a declined card), include an error code that provides a brief explanation of the reported issue.

Authorization Header

To authenticate, include an Authorization header in your API request containing a Bearer Token. Requests without authentication will result in failure.

Authenticate with bearer token,

Example Responses

If the Bearer Token is valid and matches the logged-in user, a success response is returned with the corresponding user details.

If the token is incorrect, an unauthorized response is generated.

Authorization Header

To authenticate, include an Authorization header in your API request containing a Bearer Token. API requests without authentication will fail.

Authenticate with bearer token,

Authorization Header

To authenticate, include an Authorization header in your API request containing a Bearer Token. API requests without authentication will fail.

Authenticate with bearer token,

Example Responses

If the Bearer Token is valid and matches the logged-in user, a success response is returned with the corresponding user's card details.

If the token is incorrect, an unauthorized response is generated.

Authorization Header

To authenticate, include an Authorization header in your API request containing a Bearer Token. API requests without authentication will fail.

Authenticate with bearer token,

Example Responses

If the Bearer Token is valid and matches the logged-in user, the API saves the provided user card details with a success response.

If the token is incorrect, an unauthorized response is generated.

Authorization Header

To authenticate, include an Authorization header in your API request containing a Bearer Token. API requests without authentication will fail.

Authenticate with bearer token,

Example Responses

If the Bearer Token valid and matches with the logged in user, it sends response whether the given card details are valid or not.

It gives unauthorize response if the token is wrong.

Authorization Header

To authenticate, include an Authorization header in your API request containing a Bearer Token. API requests without authentication will fail.

Authenticate with bearer token,

Example Responses

If the Bearer Token is valid and matches the logged-in user, the API removes the card details of the corresponding user with a success response.

If the token is incorrect, an unauthorized response is generated.

Authorization Header

To authenticate, include an Authorization header in your API request containing a Bearer Token. API requests without authentication will fail.

Authenticate with bearer token,

Example Responses

If the Bearer Token is valid and matches the logged-in user, the API sends a success response with the corresponding document type details for the given court ID.

If the token is incorrect, an unauthorized response is generated.

Authorization Header

To authenticate, include an Authorization header in your API request containing a Bearer Token. API requests without authentication will fail.

Authenticate with bearer token,

Example Responses

If the Bearer Token is valid and matches the logged-in user, the API adds a new order against the given document type with a success response.

If the token is incorrect, an unauthorized response is generated.

Authorization Header

To authenticate, include an Authorization header in your API request containing a Bearer Token. API requests without authentication will fail.

Authenticate with bearer token,

Example Responses

If the Bearer Token is valid and matches the logged-in user, the API updates the corresponding user's case details with a success response.

If the token is incorrect, an unauthorized response is generated.

Authorization Header

To authenticate, include an Authorization header in your API request containing a Bearer Token. API requests without authentication will fail.

Authenticate with bearer token,

Example Responses

If the Bearer Token is valid and matches the logged-in user, the API provides the order summary for the given order with a success response.

If the token is incorrect, an unauthorized response is generated.

Authorization Header

To authenticate, include an Authorization header in your API request containing a Bearer Token. API requests without authentication will fail.

Authenticate with bearer token,

Example Responses

If the Bearer Token is valid and matches the logged-in user, the API sends a success response with the corresponding user's order details.

If the token is incorrect, an unauthorized response is generated.

Example Responses for Order Search Records

If the Bearer Token is valid and matches the logged-in user, the API sends a success response with the corresponding user's order details.

If the token is incorrect, an unauthorized response is generated.

Authorization Header

To authenticate, add an Authorization header to your API request that contains an Bearer Token. API requests without authentication will also fail.

Authenticate with bearer token,

Example Responses

If the Bearer Token is valid and matches the logged-in user, the API sends a success response with the corresponding user's outstanding order details.

If the token is incorrect, an unauthorized response is generated.

Authorization Header

To authenticate, include an Authorization header in your API request containing a Bearer Token. API requests without authentication will fail.

Authenticate with bearer token,

Example Responses

If the Bearer Token is valid and matches the logged-in user, the API completes the outstanding order payment with a success response.

If the token is incorrect, an unauthorized response is generated.

Authorization Header

To authenticate, include an Authorization header in your API request containing a Bearer Token. API requests without authentication will fail.

Authenticate with bearer token,

Example Responses

If the Bearer Token is valid and matches the logged-in user, the API removes the customer document of the corresponding case details with a success response.

If the token is incorrect, an unauthorized response is generated.

Authorization Header

To authenticate, include an Authorization header in your API request containing a Bearer Token. API requests without authentication will fail.

Authenticate with bearer token,

Example Responses

If the Bearer Token is valid and matches the logged-in user, the API removes the corresponding user's case details with a success response.

If the token is incorrect, an unauthorized response is generated.